Variable Speed Limit Systems: Safety and Operational Impacts for FreewaysApplications.

Hellinga, B. Allaby, P. & Bullock, M.

A candidate Variable Speed Limits Sign (VSLS) control algorithm was applied to an urban freeway in Toronto, Canada using microsimulation. The microsimulation model was combined with a categorical crash model to quantify the impacts of VSLS implementation on safety and traffic performance. The VSLS control strategy was developed as a practical algorithm that respondedto real-time measures of traffic conditions. Evaluation of the VSLS impacts revealed that the control strategy could produce desirable impacts (i.e. reduced crash potential associated with a small travel time penalty) butonly for a limited range of traffic conditions. Modifications to the algorithm parameters revealed that considerable improvements to the original results could be achieved. The travel time penalty was significantly reduced while a high reduction in crash potential was maintained. For the covering abstract see E134653.

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C 41371 (In: C 40997 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E136091

In: Proceedings of the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Services, London, United Kingdom, 8-12 October 2006, 8 p.

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