Variation in vehicle handling capability under gusty conditions.

Mahig, J.

The closed loop system analyzed in this paper is made up of a model of a human operator which was developed at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratories from actual driver responses obtained under simulated road conditions, and a lateral stability model of an automobile which has been modified to incorporate the effect of non-linear tire performance. Both models are combined in this paper and are assumed to accurately represent a vehicle travelling down a level, straight road at a nominal speed of 96,5 k/hr. where it suddenly encounters a transverse gust of wind. The purpose of the system model is to determine the stability of the man-machine combination under these conditions and thus also determine a measure of the handling characteristics using servo analysis techniques.

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B 15114 fo / 91 /

In Advances in road vehicle aerodynamics 1973, edited by H.S. Stephens, Cranfield, BHRA Fluid Engineering, 1973, p. 85-100, fig., graph., ref.

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