In-vehicle driver information systems, issues, impacts and benefits : workshop report.

Aerde, M. van & Case, E.R.

The workshop attempted to focus at the general issues associated with in-vehicle systems and the likely impacts that these systems will have on the various parties to the development. The analysis of issues indicated that at present, too large a proportion of the overall research effort is dedicated to researching the technical aspects of in-vehicle technology. This may lead to many subsequent problems if the various non-technical factors, such as human factors, benefit/cost and the societal issues are overlooked. Similarly, the review of the various impacts that will be caused by in-vehicle technology, helps us to understand why the areas of navigation and fleet management have advanced as rapidly as they have. It also indicates the potential for routing type of applications, but clearly identifies the considerable difficulties that lie ahead when efforts will be made to enforce mandatory supply and demand management. Unfortunately, these most difficult areas are also the ones that can provide perhaps the greatest benefits to the system control agency and the economy as a whole. (A)

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C 10900 (In: C 10866) /73 /91 / IRRD 832110

In: Traffic control methods : proceedings of the 5th Engineering Foundation Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Santa Barbara, California, February 26 - March 3, 1989, p. 393-404

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