Vehicle dynamics and crash dynamics with minicomputer.

Giavotto, V. Puccinelli, L. Borri, M. Edelman, A. & Heijer, T.

The definition and the development of the VEDYAC system is given. Following a previous large experience concerning the simulation of crashes with safety barriers, a basic philosophy has been developed and the requirements of the VEDYAC project have been fixed. The main features of the VEDYAC project are described and the results of significant simulations, with some evaluations and comparisons with experimental results are shown.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 22723 (In: B 22721) /91/81/

In:Advances and trends in structural and solid mechanics : papers presented at the Symposium on Advances and Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics, Washington D.C., October 4-7, 1982, p. 381-393, 14 fig., 4 graph., 10 ref.


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