In-vehicle intelligent information technologies as safety benefit systems : consideration of philosophy and function.

Ward, N.J. & Hirst, S.

Various technological solutions have been advanced to address motorist failings (e.g., sensory limitations, perceptual biases, fatigue, inattention) in the acquisition of safety relevant information. One goal of these systems is to improve traffic safety. Although the functional goal of these technologies is to serve as safety benefit systems, they are foremost information technologies. This paper reviews a number of fundamental issues which underlie the basic nature of these systems as informational services. From the discussion of the philospohy of these systems in relation to the meaning of `information', a number of functional requirements and limitations of these systems are identified. (A)

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971186 ST [electronic version only]

Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 16 (1997), No. 2 (March), p. 88-97, 45 ref.

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