Vehicle performance : understanding human monitoring and assessment.

Pauwelussen, J.P. (ed.)

The seminar "Understanding human monitoring and assessment" was held in Delft, Holland in November 1997, and the papers are reported in this book. The central theme was understanding why a driver judges something good or bad and how this can be translated into reproducible experiments. This includes not only handling behaviour but also comfort and noise since these contribute to the assessment of vehicle performance by the driver. Two papers are presented on monitoring and assesment by drivers with special needs. Commercial vehicles are considered as well as passenger cars. Applications and methodologies (correlation studies, derivation of appropriate criteria) are discussed.

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C 33637 /90 / IRRD E102061

Lisse [etc], Swets & Zeitlinger, 1999, VIII + 236 p., 126 ref. - ISBN 90-265-1542-1

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