Vehicle registration and driver licensing in Australia, New Zealand and Europe : a comparison study.

Hawkins, B.

This report provides a comparison of vehicle registration and driver licensing practices between Australia, New Zealand and Europe. It builds on the Vehicle and Driver Chain framework (Ereg 2019), initiated by RDW (The Netherlands Vehicle Authority) in 2001, and used today by the Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities. This framework has formed the basis of regular surveys and a companion report on European practices and trends in vehicle and driver regulation. The report demonstrates that regulators in Australia, New Zealand and Europe face similar issues and opportunities. Common challenges include road safety, identity crime and data protection. New frontiers are being explored through the digitisation of services and the development of disruptive vehicle technologies such as electric vehicles and automated vehicles. The report highlights how each region, and its member jurisdictions, have pursued a range of different strategies to address these developments, and to create better outcomes for their communities. (Author/publisher)


20200236 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2020, VII + 43 p., 5 ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R620-20 - ISBN 978-1-925854-98-5

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