Vehicle safety for older people.

Fildes, B.

There is little doubt that with an ageing population, the number of older drivers involved in road crashes will increase substantially in the years ahead without appropriate interventions. It is important, therefore, for older motorists to pay more attention to the safety provided by the vehicle they travel in. There are a number of safety aspects of cars that are reviewed here. Most importantly, a modern, large and safe vehicle is imperative for older people, as they are frailer than their younger counterparts and less resilient to trauma generally. Ensuring that the vehicle has the latest safety technology is also important, especially a driver and passenger airbag to minimise the risk of contacting the compartment and reducing the likelihood of a seat belt induced injury. These issues are explored and recommendations made to guide older adults in the purchase of safe vehicles. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208360.

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C 27304 (In: C 27302) /83 /91 / ITRD E208362

In: Mobility and Safety of Older People, Melbourne, Australia, 2002, p. 83-108

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