Vehicle safety ratings estimated from combined Australian and New Zealand real crash data. Pilot study: stage 5.

Newstead, S. Delaney, A. & Watson, L.

Analysis presented in this report has been successful in producing a set of vehicle safety ratings based on combined Australian and New Zealand mass crash data sources suitable for publishing as consumer information in both countries. The study has also demonstrated the consistency of ratings estimated from combined Australian and New Zealand data with those estimated from Australian data only as well as quantifying the improvement in the ratings resulting from addition of the New Zealand data. Crashworthiness and aggressivity ratings for 1982-2000 model vehicles appearing in both the Australian and New Zealand vehicle fleet were developed based on data on crashes in Victoria and New South Wales during 1987-2000 and in Queensland, Western Australia and New Zealand during 1991-2000. The results of this report are based on a number of assumptions and warrant a number of qualifications that should be noted. Recommendations for further research have been made. (Author/Publisher)

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C 28600 [electronic version only] /91 /82 / ITRD E210283

Clayton, Victoria, Monash University, Accident Research Centre MUARC, 2003, IX + 121 p., 34 ref.; MUARC Report ; No. 203 - ISBN 0-7326-1712-X

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