Vehicle speeds in Great Britain 2002.

Department for Transport DfT, TSR1 Branch

This statistical bulletin gives data on the speeds at which drivers travel when not constrained by congestion or other road conditions. More than half of all cars observed at the survey sites on motorways exceeded the speed limit and 18% were travelling at more than 80mph. The proportion of motorcycles exceeding 80mph increased from 18% in 2001 to 27% in 2002. Data for dual carriageways was similar. On non-built-up single carriageway roads, 8% of cars exceeded 70mph. Speeding by heavy goods vehicles on single and dual carriageways was considerable. On built-up roads, exceeding the 30mph limit had decreased among car and motorcycle users but exceeding the 40mph limit had increased slightly. Speeding was most likely off peak hour and at week-ends.

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C 26088 [electronic version only] /10 /83 / ITRD E117836

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2003, 18 p.; Transport Statistics Bulletin ; SB (03) 24

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