Vehicle-to-Vehicle Traffic Information System with Cooperative Route Guidance

Laborczi, P. Toeroek, A. Vajda, L. Kardos, S. Gordos, G. & Gerhath, G.

The possibility of ad hoc wireless communication between vehicles brings up innovative applications, which enhance the safety of driving or the quality of travelling. Passing traffic information such as travel times or warning messages about accidents or poor roads are only a few examples of the potentials created by equipping vehicles with appropriate communication infrastructure. The used networking topologies for travel information dissemination are typically centralized or distributed. However, as this papershows, both systems present certain disadvantages. To overcome this, the paper presents a novel hybrid network architecture, which can take advantage from both worlds. A simulation environment designed to evaluate different ITS applications is also presented. By using this simulator it was possible to implement and compare the architecture with the conventional solutions. This solution presents better stability and performance for the simulated scenario. For the covering abstract see E134653.

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C 45484 (In: C 40997 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E136567

In: Proceedings of the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Services, London, United Kingdom, 8-12 October 2006, Pp.

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