Vehicle weight, fatality risk and crash compatibility of model year 1991-99 passenger cars and light trucks.

Kahane, C.J.

Logistic regressions calibrate crash fatality rates per billion miles for model year 1991-99 passenger cars, pickup trucks, SUVs and vans during calendar years 1995-2000 – by vehicle weight, vehicle type, driver age and gender, urban/rural, and other vehicle, driver and environmental factors – a cross-sectional analysis of the fatality rates of existing vehicles. These analyses suggest that, after controlling for driver age/gender, urban/rural, annual mileage, and other factors: • The association between vehicle weight and overall crash fatality rates in the heavier MY 1991-99 LTVs (light trucks and vans) was not significant. • In three other groups of MY 1991-99 vehicles – the lighter LTVs, the heavier cars, and especially the lighter cars – fatality rates increased as weights decreased. • MY 1996-99 pickup trucks and SUVs had, on the average, higher fatality rates than MY 1996-99 passenger cars or minivans of comparable weight. Logistic regression analyses of fatalities per billion miles in two-vehicle collisions show that MY 1991-99 LTVs were more aggressive than MY 1991-99 cars when they struck other vehicles. The analyses show correlations between occupants’ fatality risk in the struck car and the frontal height-of-force and rigidity of the striking LTV. (Author/publisher)

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C 28859 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2003, XXIII + 310 p.; DOT HS 809 662

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