Veilig naar school : de wankele relatie tussen scholieren en verkeersveiligheid.

Vermeulen, W. Katteler, H. & Woldringh, C.

Traffic education is a subject of continuous discussion. Does it, or does it not contribute to road safety, should traffic lessons be included in secondary schools? Traffic education is a subject of continuous discussion. Does it, or does it not contribute to road safety, should traffic lessons be included in secondary schools? A large-scale study of traffic knowledge, attitude, and skills of 1,681 pupils in their first three years in a secondary school was carried out in 2001 and 2002 to provide clarity.

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C 26399 [electronic version only]

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 54 (2003), No. 7, p. 18-23, 2 ref.

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