Veiligheid van kruispunten.

le Cosquino de Bussy, M.

The intersection: a safe intersection should come up to the following requirements: a) conspicuous lay-out for approaching drivers; b) broad and clear view; c) conspicuous design of the lay-out of surfacings; d) conspicuous design of traffic signs, direction-posts etc. if present; e) freedom of movement. The driver: great demands are made on a driver, approaching an intersection unknown to him: 1) continuing to drive his car, perhaps siowing down; 2) looking out to the right for approaching traffic, determining its kind and speed; 3) ditto to the left; 4) ditto ahead; 5) ditto backwards; 6) reading and interpreting traffic signs, etc.; 7) reading and interpreting direction-posts, etc.; 8) taking the lay-out of surfacings and concluding from that how to carry out a manoeuvre; 9) listening to and answering remarks of passengers; 10) if necessary indicating the direction. (Author/publisher)

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20051482 ST [electronic version only]

Wegen, Vol. 25 (1951), No. 9 (september), p. 219-222

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