A ventilation system which propels and regulates vehicles in tunnels.

Spillman, J.J.

Recent experiments have shown that wheeled vehicles can be propelled and position controlled by placing them on a special track, which as a result of pneumatic pressure, lifts behind the wheels enough to cause them to roll forwards. It is described how such a system could be applied to moving and controlling vehicles in tunnels and at the same time used the exhausted air, which is free of fumes, for ventilation.

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B 7349 (In: B 7139) /25/70/

In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels, Canterbury, 1973, edited by H.S. Stephens, A.L. King and C.A. Richardson, Cranfield, British Hydromechanics Research Association, 1974, p. J1-1- J1-12, 4 fig.

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