Veranderingen in verkeersveiligheids-financiering en -beleid sinds de invoering van de Wet BDU : casusstudie van de situatie in 2002 en 2007 bij provincies, stadsregio's en gemeenten.

Goldenbeld, C. Wijnen, W. Bax, C.A. Jong, J. de & Oosterhout, M.J.P. van

Changes in road safety financing and policy since the introduction of the Broad Goal-oriented Grant (BDU) legislation. The present report presents a study into developments in the financing of road safety and road safety policy before and after the introduction of payments according to the Broad Goal-oriented Grant Traffic and Transport (hereafter referred to as BDU). The BDU replaced the earlier compiled goal-oriented grant (GDU). The study Regional public administration research focuses on funds that provinces, city regions and municipalities in the Netherlands have at their disposal for road safety and their considerations concerning the use of these funds. The study focuses on the following main issues: * How do regional governments make considerations between investments in different areas and have there been changes since the introduction of the BDU? * How much do lower governments spend on road safety and what changes have occurred as a result of the introduction of the BDU? In a case study, nine provinces, three city regions, and twelve municipalities in these regions were investigated. In each of the provinces, city regions, and municipalities policy actors were interviewed about the direction and financing of road safety policy, and relevant documents were gathered. In many respects this study differs from previous studies into the expenditure of BDU funds. An important difference is that the present study looks at the past and compares the expenditure with that of the GDU funds. The other studies looked at future years. Another difference is that, in contrast with other studies, this study specifically focuses on road safety.


C 50314 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2010, 89 p., 44 ref.; R-2010-36


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