Verantwoording van het onderzoek voor het IPO naar de NVVP-taakstelling 2010 : de vaststelling van effecten en kosteneffectiviteit van maatregelen en toetsing aan financiële randvoorwaarden in opdracht van het Interprovinciaal Overleg (IPO).

Schoon, C.C. Wesemann, P. & Roszbach, R.

SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research examined for the Ministry of Transport (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat) if the road safety measures of the draft National Traffic and Transport Plan (NVVP) will result in achieving the 2010 target. The total costs of this set of measures have also been calculated. The Inter-Provincial Consultation (`Interprovinciaal Overleg' IPO) commissioned SWOV to examine specifically the individual costs of the measures and their cost-effectiveness. The total costs were also compared with the annual budgets, specifically those of the provinces. As far as the infrastructural measures was concerned, integral use was made of the CROW guidelines entitled `Categorisation roads on a concept of sustainable safety' (See ITRD E201229). Four categories of road safety measures were distinguished: infrastructure, influencing behaviour, vehicles, and intelligent transport systems (ITS). Besides the draft NVVP, these measures are also mentioned in other relevant documents. Not all road safety measures considered can be calculated. For some measures it was not yet known how they would be implemented; for other measures it is only after 2010 at the earliest, that any substantial effects are to be expected, as is the case with most of the ITS measures. See also ITRD E203695 and E203696.


C 18045 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E203837

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2001, 40 p., 7 ref.; R-2001-10


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