Verbeteren veiligheid op en nabij AHOB-overwegen : een gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid van rail- en wegbeheerder


Structurally adapting or removing level crossings requires a customised approach. Changes to level crossings must be preceded by consultations between the road authorities and Railinfrabeheer. Obtaining permission for and approval of the plans often demands a lot of deliberation, which can be time consuming, and even then there are still the financial aspects to sort out. That is why there is a need to provide the level crossings that are to be preserved with facilities that enhance safety while being easy to install. The publication is intended for both the road and railroad authorities, who can use it together to select suitable measures for a particular location. The selection procedure can be approached from two different viewpoints: A. Addressing an unsafe level crossing, in which applicable measures can be selected using a matrix with causes of accidents on one side and possible solutions on the other. B. Rearranging a road (section) that includes a level crossing, for which it is desirable to adapt the crossing and its surroundings to the road category since not all measures are suited for all roads. The result is a number of measure fact sheets, in which the various possible measures are detailed further. For each measure, the sheets indicate the area of application and present a diagram of the design. Furthermore, they provide the reader with information on the execution, measurements and possible combinations with other measures, and further list the pros and cons of each individual measure. Finally, we focus on the 'mini-AHOB', which has been used for some time primarily on lesser roads that are currently provided with automatic flashing traffic light control (AKI). These usually involve level crossings on quiet estate access roads. Although this is not an AHOB level crossing measure, the results of the study are such that a mention in this publication is justified.

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C 25629 S /70 /73 / ITRD E208516

Ede, C.R.O.W kenniscentrum voor verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur, 2002, 64 p., 8 ref.; Publicatie ; No. 168 - ISBN 90-6628-366-1

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