VERDAR-ontwikkelingen in het verplaatsingsgedrag.

Sikkel, W.J.H.

In Eindhoven the VERDAR study was carried out in 1978 to compare the results with those of the 1970 VODAR study. In both cases trip ends were coded to the nearest 10 metre co-ordinates.Socio-economic characteristics of the districts concerned changed but the number of trips, the dai-pattern and trip distances did not. In 1978, however, people walked less and used their car and bicycle more than they did in 1970. Car usage increased for short trips (up to 2 kms); the share of other modes on that distance decreased;18 and 19 year olds often have exchanged their moped for the bicycle. The results of the comparative study indicate that area planning is a proper instrument to control developments in mobility.

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B 22504 T /72/ IRRD 272672

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 34 (1983), No. 9 (september), p. 444-447, 2 fig., 6 tab., 7 ref.

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