Verhuizen met een PROBIT-model.

Lierop, W. van Nijkamp, P. & Rima, A.

In this paper a new method is developed for the analysis of residential mobility patterns. In this respect the moving behavior of individual households on the Dutch housing market has been studied. Two inquiries are being used to do so. For both theoretical and empirical reasons is choosen for the technical side of this new housing market model a Probit-model with a variance-covariance matrix that is different for all individual households. In the last chapter some empirical results are shown, which illustrate a little bit the potential the model has.

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B 22309 (In: B 22301 [electronic version only]) /71/72/ IRRD 270672

In: Openbaar vervoer, kompakte stad en mobiliteit : Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk (CVS) 1982 : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 11 en 12 november 1982, p. 173-197, 3 fig., 27 ref.

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