Verkeer en veiligheid te land, te water en per spoor : congresmap NIK-themadag, Ede, 16 april 2003.


This loose-leaf syllabus contains information of a one-day congress 'Traffic and Safety on the Road, on Water and by Rail'. This congress was held in the Dutch town of Ede on 16th April 2003. Sixteen workshops were organized. Examples are: the moped project; Catchken / Video Control System (VCS); Video Registration Inconspicuous Surveillance (VROS) application; innovations in police education and traffic enforcement; traffic enforcement based on the SAARA (Scanning, Analysis, Arrangements, Response, and Assessment) model; and electronic traffic enforcement on the A13 motorway.

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[S.l.], Netwerk voor Innovatie en Kwaliteit NIK, 2003, losbl.

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