Verkeers en vervoersexperimenten.

Hamburger, P.J.A.

Because of the heterogeneous and complex structure of the product transport it is extremely difficult to determinate in advance the effects of changes in the supply of transport. A better insight can be attained if in practice the level of demand can be determinated. After a brief summary of the general relevance of the experiments to transport policy one of the experiments now in progress, i.e. the so-called regional taxi-bus in the province of Drenthe which has been in service since 1978, will be analysed in more detail.

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B 18702 (In: B 18651 [electronic version only]) /71/ IRRD 255884

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen 1981, Driebergen, 13 - 14 mei 1981, p. 921-934.

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