Verkeers- en vervoersstudies : vervoersonderzoek en -analyse in het kader van de integrale verkeers- en vervoersplanning.

Goudappel, H.M.

After a short introduction part I describes the dynamic process which leads to traffic and transportation planning. Part II outlines the traffic and transportation analysis, in which the methodology used for traffic analysis, the organization of traffic and transportation research in the field, establishment of mathematical models, traffic motivation and generation, trip distribution, traffic assignment, modal split, the use and interpretation of results and techniques for the evaluation of planning and planning policies is discussed.

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A 6109 /72 / IRRD 217074

's-Gravenhage, ANWB, 1970, 215 p., ref.; Serie: Verkeerskunde en Verkeerstechniek, No. 9

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