Verkeerscirculatieplan Eindhoven 1976. Deel 1. Doelstellingennota. Deel 2. Inventarisatienota. Deel 3. Plannota.


A plan is made for the control of the traffic circulation in Eindhoven. The developments of traffic and transport as well as the sub-and major-aims for the control are mentioned in part one of the report. In part two an inventory is drawn up of the characteristics of Eindhoven and its traffic and transport. Part three discusses the policy made until now and the consequences of an unmodified policy. Proposals are made.

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B 26319 a+b+c /72 /73 /

Eindhoven, Gemeente Eindhoven, Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening en Verkeer /Hoofdafdeling Verkeer, 1976 /1977, 37 p. + 138 p. +113 p+ app., fig., graph., tab., ref.

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