Verkeerseducatie nul- tot vierjarigen : een inventarisatie.

Levelt, P.B.M.

This report studies the methods by which traffic education is taught to children aged under four. The study mainly relates to projects from abroad. The options that are open in this field in The Netherlands should also be considered. The study represents the first step in that direction. With each of the various projects, the study sought to answer the questions relating to a number of items. These include: (1) the problem analysis; (2) the teaching objectives; (3) the theoretical development model; (4) the teaching material; (5) the parties involved; (6) the implementation; and (7) the effects. The following activity types were found: (a) traffic clubs, for which parents can register their children; (b) campaigns provided by intermediate parties; (c) television programmes, including both `open network' and educational television; and (d) campaigns aimed at the use of proper safety devices. The report assumes that, outside primary education, no organized activities in the traffic education field are conducted in The Netherlands. An initial suggestion for possible teaching objectives for the Dutch programme concerns: (i) the children's safe traffic behaviour; (ii) their attitudes and standards; (iii) and their insight into traffic and transport systems. The enhancement of the role of parents in the children's traffic education should also be considered.


C 3515 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 873022

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1994, 29 p., 34 ref.; R-94-72


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