Verkeersongevallen in Nederland 2001.

Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, Hoofdafdeling Basisgegevens BG

This is an annual report on traffic accidents in the Netherlands, and it presents a lot of statistical information in the form of tables and graphics. The figures for 2001 are presented in the first place, but data from preceding years are also included. The report consists of three parts. In the first part, the most important data on traffic accidents are presented, namely the numbers of: traffic accidents, traffic fatalities, traffic accident in-patients, and traffic casualties requiring first aid. The second part of the report contains a number of themes dealing with aspects of traffic safety: the interaction between lorry drivers and car drivers; the realisation of better accessibility with the existing traffic and transport system while preserving safety and environment; the influence of weather circumstances on traffic; and monitoring measures. The third part only contains a number of graphs. They are presented to illustrate the trends in traffic accidents, traffic fatalities, traffic accident in-patients, and traffic casualties requiring first aid. A CD-ROM is included, and has a great number of tables containing data over the past ten years.

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C 24313 [electronic version only] /81 /84 /80 / ITRD E206737

Rotterdam, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, 2002, 128 p. + CD-ROM - ISSN 1387-7089 / ISBN 90-3693-608-X

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