Verkeersonveiligheid in de provincie Zeeland : een analyse van de ongevallen.

Janssen, S.T.M.C.

This report offers an overview of road hazard in the Dutch province of Zeeland. The road safety analysis performed was based on road accident victim statistics and injury accident statistics concerning the 1984-1989 period. The aims were to describe and to compare the degree of road hazard in the province of Zeeland with the rest of The Netherlands and to investigate possible solutions. The road hazard of three regions in the province of Zeeland was further analysed. The aim was to determine the specific problem areas of these regions. In the analyses attention is paid both to the scope of the problem and to the development over time. The description ends with conclusions and recommendations.


C 3332 [electronic version only] /81 /82 /83 /84 /

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1991, 43 p.; R-91-31


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