Verkeersovertredingen, veelplegers en verkeersonveiligheid : kennis uit bestaand onderzoek.

Goldenbeld, C. & Twisk, D.A.M.

Traffic offences, multiple offenders and road safety; Knowledge from existing research. Road safety in the Netherlands is to some extent affected by the behaviour of those who repeatedly and consistently commit traffic offences (multiple offenders). The Association for Traffic Victims asked for attention for this issue and posed the question whether anything could be done about this problem in the Netherlands. This was one of the reasons for SWOV to study the relation between often committing traffic offences and road safety and to also consult international literature about recidivism regulations in other countries. This was done to find answers to the following questions: 1. What is known about the relation between traffic offences and crashes? 2. What is the size of the group of multiple traffic offenders in the Netherlands? 3. What is the significance of the size of this group for road safety? 4. What has research shown about how well road users with an above average crash rate can be identified by enforcement and using recidivism information? 5. What is known about the general preventive effect of a recidivism regulation and about the conditions under which that could occur?


C 46116 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E219344

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2009, 71 p., 43 ref.; R-2009-7


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