Verkeerstekens op borden : vormgeving en toepassing : letters, cijfers en leestekens.

Griep, D.J. Kranenburg, A. & Ederveen, G.C.

Research was conducted to obtain data for drawing up standards for the design of road signs mounted on boards and for directions for their use. After an introduction on the classification of road sign boards and their function, and on criteria for the design and use of road signs, the factors affecting the distance legibility of letters and ciphers are discussed: letter thickness, spacing, visibility contrast, letter height, and letter type. Directions are given for choosing the desired letters according to the types of letter and space available. Other aspects are discussed with regard to the design and dimensions of road signs and boards indicating the names of towns, villages and streets. Factors influencing the determination of the location of the boards, such as height and distance from the road are discussed. Recommendations based on the outcome of this investigation are given. Different alphabets which are considered worth recommending and directions for the proper spacing of letters and ciphers are appended.


B 1073 [electronic version only] /73.1 / IRRD 205368

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1970, 85 p., 69 ref.; Rapport 1970-7


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