Verkeersveiligheid in Nederland.Nationaal overzicht ten behoeve van de OECD-group S1 on Concepts and Methodologies for Integrated Safety Programmes.

Paar, H.G.

Since 1974 traffic safety policy in the Netherlands has been coordinated by one department of the national government. For research on traffic safety there is a central integrating institute, the Dutch institute for road safety research SWOV. In 1975 a management policy for traffic safety was presented having a number of policy areas, for example an indirect preventive policy aimed at the demand of mobility and transport mode, and a direct preventive policy aimed at accident prevention as well as at the prevention of severe injuries with the aid of education, traffic provisions, selection, driver training, publicity, legislation, enforcement etc. Since 1982 traffic education, driving behaviour, speed limits, traffic surveillance, mandatory vehicle inspection, segregation of transport modes have received priority. Special attention will be given to the most vulnerable groups: the pedestrian, the children, disabled persons, moped riders and cyclists.


B 22973 [electronic version only] /10/73/91/ IRRD 276182

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1983, 16 p., tab., ref.; R-83-18


Dit is een publicatie van SWOV, of waar SWOV een bijdrage aan heeft geleverd.