Verkeersveiligheid in plattelandsgebieden III : interimrapportage verkeersveiligheid in de Beemster over de periode van mei 1973 tot juni 1878.

Janssen, S.T.M.C.

In an earlier study the insecurity of Beemsterpolder was examined and advice was given on road safety measures (see IRRD abstract no 247037). In this report the period may 1973 to june 1978 in which some of the measures were introduced is evaluated. The number of accidents has decreased more than in the other parts of the netherlands. The insecurity of the Beemsterpolder is still however relatively high, but no longer as high as in 1973. Related to the traffic performance the number of accidents and the number of victims has decreased by 30 and 60 percent respectively. For abstracts of parts 1 and 2 see IRRD abstracts 247037 and 251252.


B 17981 [electronic version only] /82 / IRRD 252912

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1980, 69 p., 7 ref.; R-80-23


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