Verkeersveiligheid : van onderzoek naar realisatie : overzicht van aanbevelingen uit recente SWOV-rapportages die nog niet tot uitvoering en/of voorbereiding zijn gekomen maar nog steeds actueel zijn.


Each year, dozens of reports containing suggestions for measures to improve road safety are published by the SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research. Some of these recommendations are based on SWOV research, other ones on accident analyses and/or literature research. This note gives an overview of SWOV recommendations which have not yet come into realisation and/or preparation within Dutch road safety policy, but are still of current interest. The overview is based on publications since 1994, and is thematically grouped around `vehicles' and `behaviour of road users'. The vehicle category includes the following: bicycles; mopeds and low-speed mopeds (In Dutch: "snorfietsen"); motorcycles; passenger cars; vans; heavy vehicles; agricultural vehicles; and telematics. The road users' behaviour category contains the following aspects: general and special speed limits; publicity along the road and road safety; alcohol use; drugs; car telephone, older people; traffic education; driver training; and rewarding desired traffic behaviour.


C 16463 [electronic version only] /91 /83 / ITRD E203720

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 17 p.; D-2000-2


Dit is een publicatie van SWOV, of waar SWOV een bijdrage aan heeft geleverd.