Verkeersveiligheid in Zeeland : een onderzoek naar draagvlak voor vv-beleid in de provincie Zeeland. In opdracht van Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilanden en Regionaal Orgaan voor de Verkeersveiligheid ROV Zeeland.

Veling, I.H. & Houwen, H.K. van der

In this report, an account is given of a study of public support for police enforcement and the introduction of 60 km/h roads in the Dutch province of Zeeland in 2001. The results showed that public support for enforcement strongly depended on the type of offence, and that this support was highest for police controls on drink-driving. The results also showed that public support for 60 km/h roads was relatively low.

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C 25128 [electronic version only]

Veenendaal, Traffic Test, 2002, 81 p.; TT 02-032

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