Verkeersveiligheid in Zuid-Nederland : analyse van het verkeersveiligheidsbeleid tot 2010 in de provincies Zeeland, Noord-Brabant en Limburg. In opdracht van de Werkgroep Bereikbaarheid van de Alliantie Zuid-Nederland.

Janssen, S.T.M.C. & Wesemann, P.

The three provinces of Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, and Limburg have formed the Southern Netherlands Alliance, and have a combined `sustainably-safe' policy for 2002-2010. The Alliance commissioned SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research to estimate the effects of the whole Alliance's `sustainably-safe' policy. The policy costs were also taken into account. The safety effects of the policy were compared with the national target for 2010: 30% less road deaths and 25% less in-patients than in 1998 (National Traffic and Transport Plan, NVVP). The whole `sustainably-safe' policy contains infrastructural measures, as well as measures regarding enforcement, education, vehicle requirements, and telematics. In particular, a detailed examination was made of the effects and costs of categorising roads according to the `sustainably-safe' and the infrastructural measures that were planned for them. For the non-infrastructural measures, use was made of a recent SWOV study (See ITRD E203694) of the safety effects of the NVVP. The costs of the infrastructural measures that the provinces have to pay were compared with the provincial budgets available for `sustainably-safe' infrastructure. Based on the estimated cost-effectiveness of the infrastructural measures, the effects of an alternative set of measures for the period up to 2010 that could be financed by the available Alliance budget, were calculated. (A)


C 19227 [electronic version only] /10 /82 / ITRD E206413

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2001, 51 p., 4 ref.; R-2001-20


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