Verkeersveiligheidsanalyse van het concept-NVVP. Deel 1: effectiviteit van maatregelen : toelichting op een lijst van maatregelen en berekening van de slachtofferbesparingen met het oog op de taakstelling 2010.

Schoon, C.C.

The successor to the Dutch Second Transport Structure Plan from 1989 is the National Traffic and Transport Plan (NVVP). This plan contains the new road safety policy to be implemented until 2010, including the continuation of the 'sustainably safe' concept in a second phase. The objective of this plan is to meet the targets formulated in 1986: 50% fewer fatalities and 40% fewer injuries requiring hospital admission by the year 2010. Using 1998 as the year of reference, this target will mean reducing the number of fatalities by more than 300 and the number of injuries requiring hospital admission by 4600. This sectional report is part 1 of a study that investigated whether the targets can be met by means of the measures contemplated in the NVVP and what these measures will cost. Four categories of measures can be distinguished: (1) infrastructure; (2) influencing behaviour; (3) vehicles; and (4) intelligent transport systems (ITS). The report addresses the effectiveness of each NVVP measure, and calculates for each measure the reduction in the number of casualties at a national level. For abstracts of the summary report and sectional report 2 see ITRD E203694 and E203696 respectively.


C 16215 [electronic version only] /10 /80 / ITRD E203695

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 71 p., 41 ref.; D-2000-9I


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