Verkeersveiligheidseffecten van Anti-Ongevalsystemen : schatting van de effecten op ongevallen met vrachtauto's op autosnelwegen.

Eenink, R.G.

Road safety effects of Anti-Crash Systems; Estimation of the effects on crashes on motorways involving lorries. Commissioned by Connekt, an independent network of companies and authorities that works on the sustainable improvement of mobility in the Netherlands, SWOV made an estimation of the road safety effects of Anti-Crash Systems (ACS) for lorries on motorways in the Netherlands. The in-vehicle systems that were considered are the systems that were tested in a large-scale Field Operational Test (FOT) within the Ministry of Transport's FileProof programme. The aim of this test is to establish what contribution anti-crash systems can make to the prevention of crashes or (serious) injury and thus reduce traffic jams c.q. lost vehicle hours. This report only discusses the prevention of crashes.


C 45676 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2009, 30 p., 8 ref.; R-2009-11


Dit is een publicatie van SWOV, of waar SWOV een bijdrage aan heeft geleverd.