Verkeersveiligheidsonderwijs en natuur en milieu-educatie : vier voorstellen voor nieuwe verkeersonderwijsprogramma's gericht op verkeersveiligheid met aansluiting op natuur en milieu-educatie.

Wittink, R.D. & Levelt, P.B.M.

Proposals have been developed for road safety programmes aimed at 4 to 18-year olds. These are to be incorporated into the education system. These proposals are based on both studies into cyclist education, and an overview, composed for this project, into the possibilities for pedestrian education. However, the proposals should also tie in with the task and needs of education. Because the government is particularly intent on stimulating the development of new education programmes about nature and the environment, a link to this subject should be made wherever possible. In cooperation with bodies that could play a role in the implementation of new programmes, four of the eleven proposals have been further developed. These bodies have contacted schools who are willing to cooperate and carry out a programme as a pilot exercise. As a result, four definite proposals have been determined. These proposals are: (1) instruction programme for cycling children, combined with a programme to decrease parental car use to and from the primary school; (2) 'insight into and understanding of traffic' programme for secondary school cycling children; (3) secondary school programme for bicycle use in the Netherlands and abroad; and (4) enlargement of the theoretical part of the car and moped driver training for secondary school children.


C 1974 [electronic version only] /83 /93 / IRRD 860651

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 43 p.; R-93-27


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