Verkehrsunfälle 2012.


The present annual report provides data in accordance with a uniform survey concept on accidents that occurred in Germany during the reference year. In contrast to the monthly reports on "Traffic Accidents" focussing on road traffic accidents and their changes as compared with the previous year, the present report evaluates to the greatest possible extent all combinations of characteristics relevant to accidents in a reporting period. Part 1 of the tables are shown in this publication includes some time series of major accidents variables, illustrating the development of road traffic accidents over the long term. The actual cross-section data for the reference year follow in parts 2 to 6 of the tables. Their structure is discussed in detail in the methodological explanations. The major part of the official statistics of road traffic accidents is produced by a common computer programme used by all states {,,Bundeslander"). The analyses resulting from this programme are however often published with different table headings by the statistical offices of the ,,Bundeslander". In principle, however, all tables with the internal designation UJ ... or UV ... in the upper right margin are available under this title also for the individual federal "Bundeslander" at the statistical offices of the .,Bundeslander". The most important results of the statistics of road traffic accidents of the reference year are summarized for the ,,Bundeslander" in part 7. Results for "Kreise" and administrative districts are also available in similar form under the designation UJ KR at the statistical offices of the ,,Bundeslander". Part 8 contains data on fatalities in the Member States of the European Union from 1991 to 2012. The overall trends of accidents are determined by many external factors, some of which can easily be represented in numerical form (length of roads, population by "Bundeslander" and sex. They are included in part 9 of the tabulation programme. Parts 10 to 12 of the tables present the results of traffic accident statistics in rail and air transport. The Annex contains the standard traffic accident notice as used for the entire Federal Republic. To facilitate working with this comprehensive volume, an index is included at the end of the publication, referring to major characteristics. (Author/publisher)

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C 51231 [electronic version only]

Wiesbaden, Statistisches Bundesamt, 2013, 324 p.; Verkehr Fachserie 8, Reihe 7

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