Verleiden en verdelen : transfers binnen het vervoersysteem : de verleiding van het netwerk.

Lutje Schipholt, L.R. & Munck, G.B.G. de

Tempt and distribute: Transfers within the transport system - the temptation of the network Influencing travel- and route behaviour effectively and better utilisation of infrastructure demands a more costumer orientated approach. In this paper we present a vision on the traffic and transport system, one that has a network approach and assumes users have different needs. We demonstrate why demand and supply are out of balance and what we can do about it. In our opinion traffic user must have the possibility to use the traffic and transport system as an integral network. By making distinction between groups of costumers we have demonstrated that quality factors like time and money will become less important factors to make a choice between routes en modalities. To attract users, more attention should be paid to factors like comfort and experience. Information has a key role: complexity can be avoided and makes it possible to tune information towards users with specific demands or wishes. (Author/publisher)

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20021822 c18 ST (In: ST 20021822 c [electronic version only])

In: De kunst van het verleiden : 29ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 28 en 29 november 2002, deel 3, p. 1585-1600, 10 ref.

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