Verplaatsingsgedrag en de keuze van woon- en werklokatie in een periode van economische recessie.

Hee, B. van der

Questions which arise in the context of a decrease of income per capita in the Netherlands are: To what extent do consumers economize on travel costs? Is it possible that the economic recession will cause an adaptation of journey distances, the choice of destinations and the mode choice? Some hypotheses about the effect of the economic recession on the travel patterns of the traveller are presented.

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B 22512 (In: B 22511) [electronic version only] /71/72/ IRRD 272680

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 19-20 april 1983, p. 17-32, 4 graph., 9 tab., 15 ref.

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