Verplaatsingsgedrag van niet-traditionele huishoudens : analyse van verplaatsingsgedrag met betrekking tot het werken en boodschappen doen. Stageverslag.

Korsten, N.

During the last years the number of women taking part in the labour process has increased. These changes in labour participation and household constellation have caused an increasing variety in style of life. This is an important fact for policy makers, because the style of life influences the activity patterns and also mobility patterns of individuals and households. A research was started into the differences between traditional and non- traditional households. In this report the working activity and the shopping activity are analyzed. See also PB 26908.

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B 26909 /72 / IRRD 815494

Haren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen RUG, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum VSC, 1987, 58 p+app., 38 ref.

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