Verschil van optie(k)? : konfliktobservaties in het kader van het na- onderzoek demonstratieproject herindeling stedelijk gebied.


The research project, the results of which are discussed here, was carried out as a part of an after study aimed of evaluating a Dutch experiment with the traffic design of residential areas. In three areas, each with a different traffic layout, varying from minimum measures to keep out traffic not belonging to the area, up to residential yards, conflict observations were carried out. Results indicated that regardless of the type of traffic layout those areas seemed to be rather sale for child pedestrians; very few serious conflicts occurred and then mostly with cyclists.

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B 22167 /21 /72 / IRRD 269923

Den Haag, ADVISIE Adviesbureau voor Bestuur en Beleid, 1983, 52 p., fig., tab., ref.

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