VF-Trafiksäkerhetsarbete : organisation, metoder, analys, utförande, uppföljning. (Traffic safety activities of the Swedish County Road Administration)

Ivarsson, S. Lindqvist, O. Johansson, I. ... [et al.]

This report presents a model which describes how the swedish county road administrations can pursue their traffic safety activities. The model is primarily based on treatment of police reported accidents. The model is divided into 4 main parts. (1) identification of location, (2) alternative measures on each location, (3) giving priority and (4) follow up, effects. The identification is carried out by two methods: (a) accident analysis, where sections and intersections are systematically studied, (b) by using the experience of the road surveyors regarding the road network. At each of the proposed sites sufficient measures are investigated. The measures are determined by analysis of accidents, site investigations etc. for each measure an expected safety effect will be given. From the basis of expected effects and costs of each measure order of priority is given to locations and measures. Finally a routine is proposed to make the future evaluation of the effects of the measures easier. In a separate report a method of dividing the road network into sections is described. Another separate report deals with the state of knowledge regarding the relation between measures and effects.

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B 16607 /81 /10 / IRRD 247147

Borlänge, Statens Vägverk, 1978, 49 + 26 p.; Internrapport Nr 35 / Meddelande TU 1979:8-9

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