Video-Based Automated Identification of Freeway Shoulder Events.

Smith, B.L. Qi, Y. & Tang, Y.

Transportation agencies have increasingly turned to information technology in order to help address the growing challenges of managing congested urban freeways. While off-the-shelf information technology products, such as closed circuit television (CCTV) systems and video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), have proven to be very useful, their full potential cannot be achieved without integrating the products. This purpose of this research effort was to build on an existing prototype of an integrated CCTV/VIVDS system in order to provide automatic shoulder event identification functionality. The paper presents the design of the integrated system, provides details on the tools and effort required to support the integration of the information technology elements, and describes the results of field testing of the system.

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C 43845 (In: C 43607 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E839025

In: Compendium of papers presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2006, 19 p.

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