Video : its application in low speed environments.

Young, W.

Data, collected correctly and analysed sympathetically, provides a solid base for understanding the traffic system. Video provides a useful tool for collecting data. This paper discusses recent developments in the collection and analysis of video data. It is particularly directed towards applications in low speed environments; car parks and pedestrian crossings. The paper discusses the collection of behavioural, speed, travel time, headway, parking duration, and parking (and unparking) times.

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B 28808 (In: B 28782 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 808992

In: Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Australian Road Research Board ARRB, Canberra, August 28 - September 2, 1988, Volume 14, Part 2, Traffic, p. 259-272, 10 ref.

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