Vieillissement et capacités fonctionnelles : revue bibliographique des connaissances théoriques.

Pauzié, A.

Some fundamental bibliographic information related to modifications of psychophysiological functions trough ageing processes are synthetised in this report. From this review, it appears that perceptual and cognitive processes decline as a function of age with an important intraindividual and interindividual variability. This strong heterogeneity concerning elderly abilities would correspond to a lack of precise matching between functional and chronological age. Available data about perceptual abilities of french population are limited. Thorough investigations in this area would allow to sep up a reference framework for a better understanding of difficulties encountered by elderly in transport situations. (Author/Publisher)

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890711 ST

Arcueil, Cedex, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité INRETS, 1989, 33 p., 61 ref. - ISBN 2-85782-262-6

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