View on location behaviour, moving behaviour and accessibility.

Langen, M. de. and Verster, A.C.P.

This paper presents a case-study of the mutual dependence between the choices, made by households, regarding the locations of their residence and workplace(s). Retrospective data have been used, i.e. data on former workplaces and residence of households, gathered as an annex to a traffic survey (5,000 resp.) hold in Zaanstad, a town next to Amsterdam, in 1974. In the analysis, special emphasis is given to the role of accessibility.

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B 15816 (In: B 15808) / 72 / IRRD 245571

In: New developments in modelling travel demand and urban systems : some results of recent Dutch research : proceedings of the Transportation Planning Research Colloquium, The Hague, April 6-7, 1970, p. 161-199, 2 fig., 1 graph., 11 tab., 25 ref.

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