Vijfde politie-verkeersleergang : verslag van de bijeenkomst te Utrecht op 11 mei 1960, georganiseerd door de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Toeristenbond A.N.W.B. en de Verkeerspolitiecommissie (V.P.C. ).


Report of the fifth annual police-traffic course meeting, organised by ANWB and the Traffic Police Committee (V.P.C.) General comments on pedestrian safety and traffic police schooling are made in the opening speeches. The following papers were presented: Traffic control with automatic signals, accident-prone drivers ; and the role of the police in the field of road user education.

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B 489 /73 /83 /

Den Haag, ANWB, 1960, 72 blz., afbn., grafn. tabn.

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