Visible means: changing the way ITS is seen - literally.

Waldschmidt, T.

This article describes the development and use of a computer graphic visualisation service, inVISION Studios, in the US. The company provides an efficient method of studying system feasibility and a coherent way of educating the public. The focus is on providing renderings and animation to architects, developers and other professionals in the building industry. A case study is detailed of the company's landmark contract with a major road construction project in the town of Peoria, Illinois. visualisation media were employed to create a digital study model, images and a video presentation. As new proposals were made for improvement they could be added to the digital model. Presenting the project in this way helped to gain public support. Other case studies are presented briefly, including a traffic simulation model. Further applications include artificial light simulation, line of sight evaluations for camera and sign placement, and public awareness. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118381.

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C 26021 (In: C 26000) /21 / ITRD E118402

In: Traffic technology international 2003 : the 2003 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 164-168

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