Vision testing of renewal applicants : crashes predicted when compensation for impairment is inadequate.

Hennessy, D.F.

This study addresses the enhanced vision test system component of a departmental plan to increase the competency level of the California driving population. 5 experimental vision tests were administered to 3,669 randomly selected Class C renewal applicants in 3 field offices. The objective was to identify the vision tests showing the most promise for further validation in a large-scale statewide study. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the relationship between vision test scores and crash involvement varies depending on applicant's age, general visual ability, and reported level of self-restriction. Recommendations are (1) management consider referring all DMV Snellen test fails to a vision specialist through the DL 62 process; (2) cross-validate the most promising tests in a large-scale demonstration project; and (3) continue research on developing improved assessment tests and protocols for drivers with age-related impairments. (A)

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C 8779 [electronic version only] /83 /

Sacramento, CA., California Department of Motor Vehicles CDMV, 1995, XVII + 67 p., 35 ref.; RSS-95-152

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